In order to find out what true love really means, it is better to know the source of love, where it comes from and how we can define it. According to the book of Genesis which means the beginning, God was the author of the creation of the universe, that is to say everything, was it really meaning that he was also the author of that love we are talking about? It is said that the Spirit of God was moving upon the face of the waters and that He created the light, the trees, the animals, and finally man. Could we say that this tenet contradicts what we scientists call the theories of Big bang and that of Evolution? When we affirm that the universe comes from the big bang and that man evolved from monkey. Obviously, I don’t see any doubt of contradiction given the fact that the light we are talking about in the ‘beginning’ was resulting from an explosion: the big bang, but what we failed to explain is who caused it, because someone had to cause the big bang, who? Only a superior being could do that. Can we extract a great quantity of gold without dynamiting the mountain to extract it? Could you light the world without inventing the electric bulb? Can your computer exist without its manufacturer? The big bang certainly occurred but by the helping hands of God, the greatest of all the scientists. At the end of the creation of the universe and its components, God created the first man. If we consider the order of the creation, we notice that all the necessary conditions for the happiness of man were fulfilled before he was created. But what really motivated this superior being? It was love, the desire to create someone like Him, who is loving. “And God said let us make man in our image” so he was created. Of course the first man, our old parent ‘Adam’ living in the garden was not resembling to any creature if not a monkey, this so called old monkey in that garden. If only there were photographers who could have been able to take the pictures of the first man and analysts who could have been able to make a comparison with the picture of the civilized man we are today, we will without any shadow of doubt come out with the revised theory of evolution, that man was created like a monkey and then that a part of the universe was created because of the big bang which originated from the work of a powerful being.
Soon after the creation of man, God noticed that something was missing in the happiness of man and He said that it was not good that he should be alone and He took a part from the rib of man and made a woman out of it, it was only after the fulfillment of that condition that the happiness of man was full.From now on, everything was perfect although they were both naked; and I am tempted to say that they were men like monkeys. From such reasoning we can infer that God is a superior being who is the author of love and who sighs for the happiness of man. Unfortunately the joy of this happiness was not going to last, and was broken by the serpent which had been said to be ‘cunning’. He induced the woman to eat the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil defended by God, who also induced his husband in return, the implication of this action was that they were now under the condemnation of God and the burden of death. The word ‘cunning’ pinpoints something that was half true, the serpent said “your eye will be opened” but they were now subject to death which was not in line with what he said “you shall not die”. From this example we learn that the first condition which guaranteed the happiness, love, and joy of man had been displaced and for the first time sin entered in the world of man to the point that we all became victims of it: children, youth, adult, old man and women. What we learn from the tree is that God who is the creature of everything knew the composition of the tree,He knew that the molecules in the fruit of that tree could modify the human nature and makes him vulnerable to sin, and hence you shall not eat the fruit of that tree. Why did God allow the tree in the garden although it could have been dangerous for man? Couldn’t a God who is said to be Omniscient prevent such a man-made tragedy? Was He a loving God? This question can find its answer in the fact that man was created in the image of God, why didn’t He command the animals not to eat the fruit of the tree? Man was created free, free to choose like God and this was the only condition that showed that He was also a righteous God who created the heaven, the angels and gave them the liberty to choose also their own destiny. The God who made everything treated his creatures equally and it belongs to them to choose either to respect his condition or not.
Why did the serpent decide to seduce the woman? Because she was weak as being made from man and also because her intention was to sabotage the plan of God which was to make man lovely and happy. In fact the serpent which we are talking about was nothing but an animal inhabited by an evil spirit, which was the devil and his intention was to break the happiness of man. Where did that spirit come from? According to the bible from (Isaiah14:12-19), where it is said that there was a war in heaven, that an angel who was created free and powerful was intending to take the place of his creator God and was cast out with his supporters. So before we were even created there were already powerful competitors who were ready to ruin our love. After the committed sin, two forces at the conquest of man were created, a battle against evil and good. From one side God who was not responsible of the wrong choices of man and was trying to bring man back and the devil and his supporters who were trying to aggrandize their kingdom by using the new weakness of man. There is another lesson we can learn here, man accepted to yield at the voice of his wife instead of obeying the commandment of his maker and the fact that some angels remained faithful to God their creator.
Another consequence of this choice originates from the fact that they were cast out from the garden where they lived before, the privilege and happiness that this place conferred. Why? Because there was another tree called the ‘tree of life’, which had another molecule of eternal life insideits fruit and God said “and now, lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever”, the truth about this assertion is that no one has ever lived forever in this world and we are left with no choice to find that molecule in the world. Nevertheless God did not abandon his creature although now He didn’t exclude the fact that his competitor the devil can create problems to man, as a consequence of his action of disobedience. God wanted here that man should not blame him for the future problems, He already knew the consequences that his action would generate and that those who would complain in the future should remember that we are responsible of our action. Our God is so lovingto the point that He wanted to sacrifice his life for his creature and rescue him in the time of problems, what a great, true and sacrificial love than to give his life for those He has made. So love created the world where there was nothing and only love could protect and solve the problems of the world. As we have been created in the image of God the same love is demanded, our love should be sacrificial according to that divine pattern, but how can we manifest that love if sin has spoiled our nature? Now man was chased from his natural universe where love, abundance and life were, the Garden of Eden and was ready to explore another world with a new situation. Man was now under the dictate of his shifted nature ready to do everything to satisfy his nature, hence the origin of wars, broken homes, divorces, misunderstandings in families, betrayal, anger, prostitution, deviousness, fornication, adultery, hatred, lust, lie, killings…there are no more boundaries to the evil that we can do.
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